Obesity and Hunger
Obesity and Hunger
What you eat is converted into sugars, fats and proteins which are transported to your cells with the blood. ‘Blood sugar’ is simply the amount of sugar in your blood. If you eat and drink fast-acting sugars (sugar, sweets, biscuits, juice, fizzy drinks, white bread, pasta, alcohol), it makes your blood sugar fluctuate and you get a yoyo effect.
Fluctuating blood sugar gives you short-term energy, that afterwards can cause hunger, fatigue, mood swings, and even make you overweight, if you are pre-disposed towards this. The explanation is that when the blood sugar falls rapidly, the brain’s alarm centre experiences mistakenly that your body needs food – you will be deceived into believing that you are hungry.
When the alarm centre is turned up, the Thinking Brain is turned down. The experience of hunger is paramount, and other thoughts are pushed aside. If you re-saturate yourself with fast sugars, it starts all over again (see also: The Reward-Factory).
Eat small, frequent and slow meals of healthy food. It gives you stable blood sugar and sustained wellness. If you need to lose weight, eat protein rather than carbohydrates. If you like food, what most of us fortunealtely do, it´s best to change your dies gradually. If you change your diet, it may take 1-3 weeks to get used to a new taste.
Hunger control
Controlling your sense of hunger can be gradually trained – just like other areas. It´s not dangerous to do if you are overweight. Hunger disappears when you let it be … (Read more: Construct a Plan of Practice, Resilience and Praise, A Way to Succes, Control your Desires). Awareness Training can be a great help (Read more: The Attention – Spotlight of the Brain).
This can be an inspiration too:
- Hunger is a room in the House of Thoughts … (Read: The Story of the House of Thoughts).
- Hunger is a Mind-Train running too fast … (Read: The Story of a Mind-Train).
- Hunger is a guest at the Mind Party … (Read: Mind Party).
There are also indications that stress and lack of sleep increases the risk of obesity. Therefore, sleep and rest is vital (Read more here).
Last – but not least: It is equally important to train the desire to exercise! (Read more here).