A fact about every human being is, that the ‘I’ holds one end of the attention and the external reality holds the other end (See Attention – the Spotlight of the Brain).
If you suffer from ADHD the ‘I’ only has a weak hold on the attention and as the brain’s working memory is too small the result is easily a feeling of ‘overload’. The ‘I’ finds it difficult to keep the attention focused, to hang on and to choose. As a consequence it gets randomly drawn into big or small event. It may feel like several different movies running at the same time, with sequences continously beeing cut as well. The feeling can also be as if you are forced to jump on different ‘Mind-Trains’ every second, never letting you reach your destination. (read: The story of a Mind-Train).
A person who has ADHD therefore experiences chaos and the ‘alarm centre’ is turned on most of the time, making them react with ‘flight or fight’ (read: The Thinking Brain and the Alarm Centre). This means that the ability to reflect and to learn becomes limited.
When you create peace around such a person and helps them to calm down their body, you limit the amount of events that can draw the person’s attention. The level of alertnes decrease and they regains the ability to reflect and learn.
Read more: Resilience and Praise, A way to Succees and Help Someone Else.